Sunday, 17 July 2011




Safety is the state of being "safe" , the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, erroraccidentsharm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable. Safety can also be defined to be the control of recognized hazards to achieve an acceptable level of risk. This can take the form of being protected from the event or from exposure to something that causes health or economical losses. It can include protection of people or of possessions.
Road Safety

Road Safety is essential in our daily life. Thus to observe the traffic rules is an important activity to ensure road safety.  

Road safety should first of all begin at home by teaching and instructing children about the traffic rules with some good hints on the do‘s and dont‘s. Children should also be taught the highway code and advised to follow them strictly. Hence safety rules is everybody‘s business.
  Statistics has time and again shown that a great proportion of the people involved in road accidents are school children. It cannot be denied therefore that improper education is one of the major causes of accidents. There are cases where accident are caused by children running across the road without much attention, crossing behind parked vehicle, cycling two or three abreast carrying pillion riders, alighting from moving buses and cycling without due care. Therefore, they should be thought the important the road safety both at home and in schools. Exhibitions by the schools and demonstrations by the police authorities can do much in instilling in the children in a greater awareness of the dangers on the roads.  

As for the drivers on the road, they should always concentrate and study the situation ahead. It is very important that they anticipate road movements. They should drive safely showing consideration for others road users. Motorist and taxi- drivers should not exceed the speed limits and should always think of the safety of the passengers. Dangerous of overtaking has been cited as one of the major causes of road accidents.Drives should always exercise caution and show more road sense.... 
Road Safety Rules
The transport department of each and every city around the world has been entrusted with the responsibility of providing a smooth public transportation system on roads, controlling pollution under permissible limits, keeping a record of registration of vehicles, insurance of vehicles, issuing permits and collection of taxes. These departments function by devising policies, implementing them and then monitor and regulate the functioning of the transport in the city. Traffic rules of the roads are both the laws and the informal rules that may have been developed over time to facilitate the orderly and timely flow of traffic. With the replacement of ancient horse driven carts with cars and trucks, the speed of the traffic increased paving way for the need of smooth roads and yet smoother traffic. So, to curb the need of the smoother traffic, some rules were devised to assure that the traffic runs smooth. Almost all of the roadways traffic rules are built with devices meant to control traffic.


   Traffic lights

Typically traffic lights consist of a set of three colored lights: red,   amber/yellow and green. In a typical cycle,
  • Illumination of the green light allows traffic to proceed in the direction denoted,
  • Illumination of the amber/yellow light denoting, if safe to do so, prepare to stop short of the intersection, and
  • Illumination of the red signal prohibits any traffic from proceeding.

Follow these driving tips and you’ll help reduce your risk of being involved in a crash as well as improve your personal safety as a motorist.
Power check
When checking your vehicle, the POWER check is the easiest to remember. This stands for Petrol, Oils, Water, Electric, and Rubbers. Everything under each heading should be visually checked at least once per week.
Safety gap between vehicles
When you stop behind another vehicle in a line of traffic, always ensure you are able to clearly see the bottom of the vehicle's rear tyres. This ensures you are not too close to the other vehicle. Also, as you commence to move your two-second gap will already be in place.
Keep left
Keep to the left at all times unless overtaking. The right hand lane is for overtaking, or turning right. Use it for driving straight through only if the left lane is obstructed by road works or parked vehicles, or if it is not useable for any reason.
Indicate early
Where practical, use your indicators for at least 30 metres before commencing to turn or change lanes, to tell other road users what you will do.
Drive with anticipation
Expect the unexpected and be aware that we all make mistakes sometimes. The other driver may forget to indicate, or to look to see if you are near by. If you have anticipated this may happen, it will not be a surprise. We should be driving as a team, not as individuals, be prepared to let the other driver in, rather than blocking them out.
Stop at lights or stop signs
When you stop at the lights or at a stop sign, your car should be behind the thick stop line. There are some intersections, where if you stop over the stop line and a truck or bus turns into the street that you are leaving; it will collide with your vehicle.
Overtaking Overtaking is probably one of the most dangerous manoeuvres a driver can perform, especially on a two-way carriageway. Quite often the vehicle you overtake is only travelling slightly slower than you are. So please avoid overtaking.

The 2011 World Day for Safety and Health at Work focuses on the implementation of an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) as a tool for continual improvement in the prevention of workplace incidents and accidents. The essence of occupational safety and health (OSH) is the management of occupational risks. An OSHMS is a preventive method to implement safety and health measures which consists of four steps and incorporates the principle of continual improvement. Its principles are based on the PDCA Cycle: PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT.



Tips On Road Safety

What can we do to improve road safety for children and adolescents?
1.2 million die in road accidents each year. A child is killed in an accident every three minutes. Road safety is increasingly becoming a major killer and a worldwide concern, particularly for young people. What can we do to address the issue?
  • Media Management
  • Education
Why is safety education needed in schools?
Some facts and figures about accidents and injuries among Children and young people
• Accidents are the main cause of death and disability for children in the UK.
• As many as 10,000 children are permanently disabled each year by accidental injuries.
• Boys - in all age groups - are more likely to be involved in accidents than girls.
• Children from poorer families are five times more likely to die as a result of accidents than those from wealthier backgrounds.
• Road accidents are the leading cause of accidental injury amongst children and young people: every year, over 130 children die and more than 4,500 are seriously injured while walking and cycling, often close to their homes.
• Child pedestrian casualties peak at about age 12; child cyclist casualties peak at about age 14.
• House fires are the biggest single cause of accidental death in the home.
• A large proportion of non-fatal home injuries are due to falls.
• Other significant causes of death or injury in children are burns and
scalds, poisoning, drowning, choking and suffocation.
• Young, inexperienced workers have the highest accident rates in the workplace.
• Young, inexperienced drivers have the highest accident rates among drivers.
Things I Think that should be changed
  •  There should be broad roads as now a days traffic is increasing day by day.
  • There should be compulsion for ladies also,to wear helmet while driving.
  • The person who disobey the safety rules will be punished. Shopkeeper should be given to those people who have license.
    There must be first aid box in vehicles.
                                  So Be Safe

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